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Computer Disposals

Like everyone else, we can remove all types of WEEE products and electrical appliances, but the difference – we offer our services in accordance with all relevant provisions of the WEEE / lead the IT available.
The legislation aims to reduce the amount of produced electrical and electronic equipment and everything, reuse, recycling and encourage recycling.
We will do our utmost to WEEE recycling and IT disposal as easy and stress free as possible. Because both sympathetic and considerate, we are always trying to feel relaxed while we work for you.
Choose Techlogic to ensure that all electronic waste is properly disposed of and recycled and reused as much of it as possible.
As customer service is top priority, we will introduce:
  • The order of time that fits your needs
  • A window of two hours after arriving on a free call 30 minutes before arrival
  • Consistent, reliable and friendly staff
  • Clear, simple and environmentally friendly electrical and IT equipment clearance
  • A protected execution (This duty of care for discharges of waste that you are with us)
  • Monthly Waste inspection reports (For larger customers)
Computer Disposals Computer Disposals Reviewed by Anonymous on August 03, 2011 Rating: 5

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